On Monday we went to Blooma for our Baby Yoga class. Eleanor did a great job! She cried a bit towards the end because it's very overstimulating (to me!) so I can't imagine how it is for a baby! The first part is sort of like baby massage, then the moms do their yoga, and the final part you do yoga holding the baby in different poses. Apparently it's really good for baby's eating, digestion, and sleeping. I'll have to bring my camera next time- it didn't occur to me to do so- but a lot of the moms had their camera out and the instructor would take pictures for them.
This was a Christmas gift from Tommy- I have enough sessions that I can do Baby Yoga with Eleanor, Toddler Yoga with Kathryn and some classes just for myself. I'm already really enjoying my present.
Before we went to our class-- Eleanor was all smiles!!!! We've had a couple here and there, but these are the big smiles back at us. So now the difficult task of snapping a picture at the right moment. I just love the gummy smile.
Later on as it was such a nice day I went for a little jog-walk (training for the 5K) and only fell down once! A great President's Day!
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