Monday, January 12, 2009


Happy 2nd Birthday Kathryn!!!
It's very hard for us to believe that two years have already passed. It's been a crazy couple of weeks of changes around here and you've adapted so well. Of course the biggest change is the addition of Baby Sister and you've welcomed her with kisses, blankets, and pacifiers. You've been sick and teething for a month or so-- it's been very hard on you and on us - we hate seeing you in so much pain. But soon your fang teeth and molars will be in so hopefully we'll be done with all this for a while.

You're getting much more independent in you decision making (all good according to your ECFE teachers!) the outfits you choose are random- like the beach themed shorts you want to wear daily, loving certain foods one day and detesting them the next day, wanting to go in the car but not wanting your coat. The list can go on- but it's all apart of you figuring you out. So that's cool.

Kathryn you are so funny right now. At night in your crib you talk away about the important things in your life- you'll also laugh hysterically at your own little jokes. You're also very sweet - unrequested hugs and kisses and the somewhat gentle way you take care of your baby-dolls. You're speaking more (although often times only daddy or mommy really know what it is you're talking about) using 2 words- sometimes even 3 words together. You love books and music - in fact your birthday present (that you have no idea about!) is a music class!!! It starts soon and I just know you're going to love it.

You had your friends birthday party in November at Chuck E Cheese, then last Saturday (1/10) we had lunch at Pizza Luce with your grandparents. You're very lucky to live so close to these people who care so much about you. And are willing to eat pizza at 11 am! Then on your actual b-day Anna and Abby (and Jessi) came over in the morning and after dinner we had cake.

So life is pretty exciting at two- we're looking forward to this terrific year!

1 comment:

Kristin and Peter said...

oh, what a sweet post! happy birthday, kathryn!


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