Thursday, March 07, 2013

Triumphant Return to the Y

So after a brief hiatus (end of November, December, January and February) from the gym I made my return today. I arrived a bit late to Body Flow, but was ready to rock it like no tomorrow. The class was very crowded and the music was so slow, but no problem --easing back in is probably best for me. I didn't recognize any of my gym buddies- it's been a few months, but still where's my crew? Is everyone else on a hiatus? Maybe spring break?

I continue my sun salutations and still the slow music. Finally I really look around and everyone has those random southwestern blankets that unless you're in prenatal yoga I don't know the purpose. Then after a good 15 minutes I really look at my fellow yogi's and for the love-- they're old.  Really old.  All of them.  Not like the random (insanely fit) old person that pops up at Zumba- these folks had canes propped up by the door.

Something's not right about this class...

Has the Y betrayed me? Changing class locations? So you leave for a bit and they put your class in the basement? And now AOA-Y uses the nice studio? That's right I spent most of my morning in "Active Older Adults -Yoga"before I noticed anything unusual.


Karine and Tom said...

So Funny!!!! I can't stop giggling!

KarenLew said...

That's hilarious Casey!


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