Thursday, August 30, 2012

FiRsT dAy Of ShCoOl!!!

I'm jumping ahead a bit to today--- FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!! (Tommy actually went back on Monday, but I forgot to take his picture so his first day will be when the students arrive.)

The girls were up shortly after 6 and ready to go. Maddie didn't know her world was about to be rocked and happily went along for the ride. After pictures outside we went to Hazels NE for breakfast.

Then dropped Kathryn at the Kinder Campus and then headed to the main campus for a "tears and cheers" coffee at the playground. We've already met so many nice families at the school. Her teacher is so lovely and kind. She's going to have a great year!
Then off to Eleanor's phase-in day at Mayflower. It was only 1 1/2 hours and was a smaller group - they learn about the school, bathrooms, etc. Seriouslly so excited. The girl has "hyper-focus" and a Montessori learning environment will be perfect for her. Her teacher is wonderful. She talked about doing bead work and wants to go back tomorrow. I'm the room parent for her class and a classroom coordinator for Kathryn's class. I'm excited to be so involved with their classes.


And as for Miss Maddie. She was fine leaving "Kath" but saying good-bye to "Eh-eee" was too much for her. She burst into tears and was calling out for her big sis. We went to a little presentation on Montessori and after had enough time to go home. Madeline kept calling out for her and did not want to leave without her "Eh-eee." At home she found a picture of her sisters - pointed them out and then kissed them!

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