Monday, May 31, 2010

Weeks 2-3 and 17 Months

Yesterday Madeline turned 3 weeks old. FOR REAL?!?!?!? So far she couldn't be easier-- or maybe we're just better at soothing tricks? Her sleep/awake pattern has still been pretty consistent from when she was inside. Maddie had her 1 week appt on Tuesday May 18 and weighed 8 lbs- nice! Her doctor said she didn't need a 2 week checkup because she's been gaining so well- nice!
I am also very grateful how quickly my body "heals" from childbirth and I am able to take care of the older girls and do everything as normal. I will take the occasional nap or reading break in the bathtub. In April I bought a new bike and have even taken a couple of quick rides around lk Harriet (I think it's about 5 miles round trip.)
Madeline's neck strength is quite impressive. On her tummy she can turn her head from side to side. Because we have no time to check with the parenting books I have no idea if this is impressive or not. I choose to believe that she is amazing.
Elles Bells is now 17 months. In the past 3 weeks she's gone from our baby to some kind of giant. She luuuuuvssss the baby- anytime Madeline cries Eleanor is right there with a pacifier or a blanket. (I can only hope a pacifier being rammed into ones eyeball can't have too many long terms effects.) Eleanor doesn't talk--- she points, signs milk for everything she wants and looks at us until what we give what she wants (her wants being pacifier, sippy cup, cuddles and blanket. Oh and tylenol- the teething has been intense the last couple of weeks. She gets up more during the night then Madeline! She loves to read books, laugh with her big sister and put stuff in her mouth.

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