The week of Erin and Chris's wedding was full of fun activities! We didn't take very many pictures- I know- GASP! And the ones we did take are pretty random. Tommy's Aunt Carol is a photographer and she'll send the Ps a DVD with tons of pictures. But here's a some...
Wednesday was a quick tea party at the Ps then pizza and pool at the hotel. The hotel was brand-spanking new! The pool side floor was super slippery though and when cousins play they don't walk!! Kathryn loves hot-tubs!
Thursday night we went to eat at the 50s Grill and then to the Saints game. Apparently this was their biggest crowd ever!! Saints games are so fun. I have a feeling as the children get older we'll be going to them a lot. (On a side note- I was suppose to have class-- but I sit at the cool table and with the power of suggestion we convinced the prof to cancel class! Love the cool table.)
This is only 1/2 the table!
Then on Friday morning Tommy went golfing. I'm not really sure who all went golfing or even where they went, but Tommy took picutres! I will share every golf picture.
That afternoon I got a much needed haircut.
Friday night was the rehersal at the church followed by the dinner at a park. They grilled hamburgers and chicken and had tons of yummy food! Then there was a softball game the Ps vs the Fs (Chris' family.) I think Tommy was on the Fs team though? It was a very fun game!
Dancing flower girls!

SATURDAY!! THE BIG DAY!! I have not one picture of the bride and groom (or of anyone!) SO here's one I stole off facebook from someone named Mandy. Props to Mandy and the ability to tag pictures.
Erin looked BEAUTIFUL! The weather was perfect- it rained a little bit but it was sunny and no humidity! Just perfect. The ceremony was at the Ps church in Fridley and the reception was at the Earle Brown Heritage Center. It was great to see a ton of the Ps relatives and chat with everyone.
What a fun and special day!!! We were very honored to be a part of Chris and Erin's day!

On Sunday we enjoyed the pool and watched the gift opening.
That evening we went to the Ps for dinner and grilled some of the rehersal leftovers. On Monday Tommy went golfing with Tom and Matt and that night we went back to the Ps for lasagna.
Aunt Darcy and Grandpa Glenn spent the rest of the week at the Ps doing a lot of sight seeing- Ft Snelling, History Museum, etc. On Thursday Kathryn, Eleanor, Tommy, Ellen, Darcy and Glenn went to the movie UP in 3D. I guess after some initial hesitation Kathryn did great. I was worried it'd be too loud for Eleanor but she did great too!
It's hard to believe it's all over!!! The week and the day went by SO fast. Chris and Erin went on their honeymoon to Flordia and are now settled in their new home, new jobs in Maquoketa, Iowa.
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