Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I guess I didn't really post much about what life is like at 12 months but it's actually pretty similar to life at 13 months. Kathryn is on the go- she starting to run more and goes crazy when ever someone comes to the door (I think she actually learned this from Carter) She likes to sit on things like boxes and hide in the hutch or in quite corners of her room. Kathryn loves the light switch and finds the results of light on and off fantastic. She's like to put stuff away- I found my clothes in the bathtub, a flip-flop in the utensil drawer, toys in the laundry basket. She's taking a break from vegetables so we've been tricking her a bit- peas in the mac and cheese, spinach in the lasagna, veggie breads. We have to share everything we're eating with her- she raises her hands for more. She loves fruit- except avocado but she does like guacomole. Kathryn loves to dance- bending her knees and bouncing up and down. She really plays with her toys now- driving the bus or beating the drum. She's doesn't empty the book shelf as often- now she chooses a book- flips through it or brings it to us to read to her. She loves a good joke and laughs like crazy. Kathryn can sign milk, she blows kisses by putting her whole hand on her mouth, and is still wave crazy. And she initiates hugs- so sweet!

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